
Snowline Live Alone Program

Snowline’s Live Alone Program is a supportive service for people who live alone with memory loss and is provided by Snowline’s Dementia Connection Specialists and Social Worker.  It includes home visits, referrals to other services, and a four-part Living Well for Brain Health education series.  This education is available to individuals with memory loss and/or friends or family members to assist these individuals.

Snowline’s Early Memory Loss and Dementia Program

Snowline’s Early Memory Loss and Dementia program is for people with early stages of memory loss (no diagnosis necessary), Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (dementia) and their caregivers to support their planning and education needs before and after their diagnosis.  It includes education, coaching, individualized care plans, home safety assessments and expert consultation.

Snowline Supports Dementia for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)

Specialized education for community members and caregivers for the needs of people living with dementia and lifelong disabilities at risk of complications with dementia.  Partnerships with families and care teams supporting those with IDD who are affected by dementia and offering support for their needs.  Advanced care planning support is also provided.  Screening tools are shared to help promote early diagnosis.
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